How it All Began…

Dear Property Owner,

The journey began in 2011 when Adam Bensman sat down in his very first interview with a roofing company…
Within a short twenty minutes, the company who wanted to hire Adam began boasting about their “clever” business practices that were outright fraudulent.
Adam quickly realized the level of corruption in the roofing and solar industry. All of it driven by greed. An insatiable desire to make as much money as possible, at all costs, and as fast as they can.
how it all began
Fortunately, Adam discovered a roofing company with incredible leadership, an impeccable track record, and a commitment to take care of their customers no matter what.

Even after Adam aligned himself with a value-driven organization, he was ashamed to tell people he worked in roofing for fear of being lumped into “one of the bad guys.

Day in and day out, as Adam was serving customers he felt like he was facing an up-hill battle out of the gate. Tremendous amounts of distrust surrounded contractors, roofing and solar contractors specifically.

Nearly every homeowner has seen the articles, watched the Breaking News, and have witnessed the “scam alert” warnings that blanketed the media.
Greedy and corrupt contractors have spoiled the reputation of nearly everyone in the industry. It felt as if each and every member of the roofing industry was “guilty by association.”
Adam noticed that this glaringly obvious barrier of distrust was difficult to overcome, compounded by the fact that most property owners have at least one horror story from working with a contractor.

It became clear to Adam that the property owner’s experience was set up to be a disaster out of the gate. The wall of resistance they felt paired with the inherent distrust and industry stereotypes had everyone proceeding with heightened levels of defensiveness.

Adam committed to “create amazing experiences” for the property owners he served as he set out on a mission to transform the reputation of the industry one property owner at a time, even when things went wrong.
After all, it is construction and things do go wrong. Like the freak severe storm that struck while his crew was installing a roof and darn-near flooded the customer’s home. Adam worked tirelessly to relocate the customer for the next 6 weeks while he and the company restored the home, repainted the walls, refinished the floors, and cleaned everything.
After the home was restored and the project was complete, Adam woke up to a surprise letter. It was a written letter of recommendation thanking Adam and his team for stepping up and making things right, even in the gravest of circumstances.

The letter ended with the customer saying something to the effect of,

“I would feel confident recommending anyone I know to use Adam for their roofing project because of the length you’re willing to go through to make things right. Thank you for taking care of us.”

After filling nearly every role in the roofing industry, Adam realized that his mission to transform the industry one customer at a time was a massive undertaking. He couldn’t do it alone.

That’s when Adam set out to train contractors using his system for serving property owners to create amazing experiences. That very system is currently being used by many, many, many thousands of contractors in the United States, Canada, Australia, and even Sweden.

Adam’s customer-centric philosophy and training led him to establish an official training partnership with Owens Corning, a global leader in roofing manufacturing and a household name (recognize the Pink Panther?).

As Adam began to serve contractors more deeply, he realized that the contractors he served were facing the very same struggles that he faced when starting in the industry.

That’s when it clicked…

The mission to transform the industry is not something that he could do alone… and he couldn’t do it by helping fellow contractors… it needed to be a much larger, united effort.

That’s when I presented the idea to my community and mastermind group and said,

“I have an idea for us to make an even bigger impact together… How about we join forces to truly transform the industry together?

Let’s STOMP the scum out!”


That’s when the Roofing & Solar Reform Alliance was born. It was the coming together of value-driven, customer-centric businesses who are dedicated to:
Reforming The Corrupt and Greedy Practices of the Roofing and Solar Industry Through Leadership and Action

Learn More About Our Why

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